Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Monday, November 22, 2010
Welp, there is an old saying about how to make the most of your weekends. And it is as follows; the weekends don't count unless you spend them doing something completely pointless. And i actually did a lot of pointless stuff this weekend! I slept in late, read a lot, fixed an old string of Christmas lights by checking each individual bulb, threw stones into the ocean, contemplated the ever changing weather of Southern Chile, manned the grill at a parrilla (Chilean for BBQ) with some of my Chileno amigos, and watched the newest Harry Potter movie!
While i didn't make it out fishing this weekend, i am not perturbed. It's okay really. The weather just wouldn't allow it. With the way the wind was blowing casting would have been damn near impossible and probably not very fun, taboot taboot. Nevermind the fact that i didn't have any beta or any means of transportation to get to where i didn't know where to go. I have come to terms with the lack of fishing access close to town. It is what it is. I only hope to be able to make it out on a good trip soon. Though i am not really doing too much of what i expected to be doing while i am down here (traveling, hiking, climbing mountains, and fishing) i feel fortunate to experience to be living abroad learning about and experiencing the Chileno culture.
Language Lesson of the day: I am a prince, i have it all... Say it with me now! Soy prÃncipe, yo lo tengo todo...
Friday, November 19, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
John the Fisherman
Welp, i didn't do too much this weekend. I stayed up too late and watched the sun rise friday, went on a run saturday, and walked to the grocery store sunday. In the midst of all of that, i wasted time reading and sleeping. Oh, and i went out for dinner and treated myself to lamb chops! Almost forgot about that.
Life seems so much smaller without a vehicle at my disposal. My entertainment options (outdoor and otherwise) are confined to where i able to walk. And unfortunately, most of the Patagonian wild lands are not within walking distance from my house. Or biking distance, for that matter. Ever since i've arrived in Chile i have been anxious to get out on a river and get my hook wet. I am determined to make that happen this weekend. Car, bike, or bus be damned.
Language Lesson of the Day: When i grow up i want to be a fisherman, one of the harvesters of the sea. I will live and die a fisherman... Say it with me now! Cuando yo crezco yo quiero ser un pescador, una de las segadores del mar. Voy a vivir y morir un pescador...
Monday, November 8, 2010
This Must Be The Place
Welp, i traveled six hours north to Parque Nacional Torres del Paine this weekend and spent three nights sleeping under the stars. What a tremendous piece of country that park is! I don't think i have ever been in mountains of such immense size or grandeur before. Over the three days i spent there, i was able to witness the parks namesake (the Three Towers or los Tres Torres) veiled in clouds, dusted with snow, under sunny skies, and at dawns first light.
While there aren't any bears or wolves in Torres del Paine, or South America for that matter, i did see flamingos, ostriches, and a giant rabbit. And when i say giant rabbit, i mean like the size of my dog. It was awesome.

Thursday, November 4, 2010
One More Cup of Coffee
Welp, i'm cutting the work week short and heading out early for a long weekend. And because i'm treating this thursday like a friday, i needed to adhere to a newly founded friday tradition i have started since arriving in Punta Arenas. This morning (conventionally on fridays), in a nod to one Homer J. Simpson, i had coffee and doughnuts in the office. Breakfast of champions, i say.