Sunday, April 17, 2011

Everything Merges with the Night

Welp, i finally visited Valparaiso - the vale of paradise! Staying much more true to it's name than my hometown in IN, Valparaiso is a very beautiful and colorful city. Houses cling to hillsides and steep, narrow streets create a maze of pathways through town. Very cool, indeed.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Living for the City

Welp, i am spending my last 4 days in Chile doing the city thing. I just finished a 12 hour bus ride and arrived in Vina Del Mar. I will check out the ocean and explore the city today, experience the night life later, and visit Valparaiso tomorrow.

Also worth noting, i made my first phone call in almost 7 months today! From a pay phone, taboot taboot! How strange, but enjoyable, it has been to live phone free in the age of cellulars. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Spanish Lesson of the Day: Living in the larger cities, impulse thinking keeps you busy! Say it with me now! Vivir en las ciudades más grandes, pensando impulso que mantiene ocupado!

Monday, April 11, 2011

The Fishing Blues

Welp, i went fishing today on the Rio Trancura. Lots of risers, but it was a really tight river with lots of brush along the banks. I had a hard time casting and didn't catch a damned thing. It was kind of frustrating, but good time nonetheless.

Language Lesson of the Day: A day spent fishing is kind of like pizza or sex. Even when it's bad, it's still pretty good! Say it with me now! Un dia de pescand es como pizza o sexo. iCuando es malo, es mejor aún!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Don't Worry, Be Happy

Welp, am i wrong to believe that The Complete Calvin & Hobbes is a book that can stand beside The Republic in terms of philosophic theory and political influence? Maybe so, maybe not.

Language Lesson of the Day: I have left Argentina and am in Osorno, Chile waiting for my bus to Pucon. In ten days i will return to North America. What a pretty afternoon. Say it with me now! He salido Argentina y estoy en Osorno, Chile esperando por mi bus a Pucon. Voy a volver a Norte America in diez dias. Que un tarde bonita.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

I Wana Be Your Dog

Welp, I spent my last day in Barlioche walking around the city center and making friends. Say hello to Duke and his pup.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Slow Ride

Welp, i went on a bike ride today. 58 km or so. Barlioche is truly a beautiful city. I like it very much.