Friday, December 24, 2010

Keep Me in Your Heart

Welp, the past five months have been a whirlwind of change for me my loved ones. The expected grief and heartache we have all suffered and the unanticipated trials and tribulations in our day to day lives have been enough to last us the next five years. Wanting to provide my sister with emotional support (and actual help taking care of the little one!) has been a plight i have been struggling with living abroad. The best i can do so far from home is email often and think of her daily. I thank all of you who do the same. Continue to keep her, my parents, little Charlotte, myself, the Hongs, and everyone else who was fortunate enough to know Ryan close to your heart.

Much like my family, i won't be celebrating Christmas in the traditional sense this year. No lights, no tree, no presents, no Christmas eve movie. I will be working instead. Kind of. I'm leaving to explore this year's WPER race route Christmas Day. I will return New Years Eve, spend four days at "home" preparing, and leave for another 10 days of explorations beginnning on my Sister's birthday. A unique experience indeed and a welcomed distraction from the holidays. I feel fortunate to be able to be part of such a tremendous undertaking.

A self proclaimed resolute and contemplative man, i have stayed true to my demeanor and spent serious time throughout my travels thinking of my friends, family, and focusing on all the positive going-ons in my life. Through these reflective periods, i have learned the majority of good in my life can be attributed to my family and friends. I am incredibly grateful for all of you. Your emails and messages on my blog can brighten even the darkest days. Thank you all so much. Give your family, friend, and loved ones a hug his holiday season. Let them know how you feel. Merry Christmas, everyone!


  1. What a gift, Ben. Thank you for giving of yourself. I feel your love. Mom

  2. Beautifully written, Ben. My heart is touched.

    Have a safe trip. Aunt Lucy

  3. Ben,
    You are a gift to us all the time - but what a special Christmas gift you've given to me (and all of us) today. Thank you for so openly letting us into your heart.... you are always in mine.
    It will be hard to not find you on GoogleChat over the next few days! But - I'm so glad you're getting the opportunity to get out from behind the desk and go do some exploring. Have FUN!
    Charlotte sends kisses (and bubles) and I send hugs-
    Kate (hermana)
